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Chris Hayes IMMEDIATELY proved hilariously ridiculously wrong after tripling down on believing SBF about political bribes

Chris Hayes IMMEDIATELY proved hilariously ridiculously wrong after tripling down on believing SBF about political bribes
Chris Hayes IMMEDIATELY proved hilariously ridiculously wrong after tripling down on believing SBF about political bribes



Chris Hayes got proved wrong and dumb so fast this time you have to marvel at the speed of the modern era. No more horse and buggy proving him wrong after a couple of days because nobody was watching his show or reading what he writes! In these modern times we have apps that can survive paying attention to him and his wrongness becomes apparent in hours or even minutes.

For example, Hissy Chrissy has been really super feelings-hurt about the fact that scam artist and fraud Sam Bankman-Fried was so deeply in bed with Democrats they were sharing a pillow and a toothbrush. So when SBF was trying to get the media to cut him slack he threw them a chew toy by claiming he was giving dark money to Republicans, which the press jumped on like a rabid dog finding Donna and Tad in a Pinto.

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