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Christ is Born! Be Alert, for the Grace of His Smile.

By Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy


Christmas is the great good news of the grace of the arrival of the Messiah of the Jewish people and the Savior of all people, for which all Jews and Christians and peoples should rejoice in exalting gratitude. He comes to us not as the warrior leader of hosts but rather as a baby, whose name is Joshua, Yeshua, Jesus. All that His presence asks and will ever ask from us is basic humanness, to love Him and other people as He always loves us, regardless of whether the events of life place Him or others in a manger or on a cross.

However, it all begins by loving the little baby looking up at humanity from the manger—for in that happy human face, loving gaze and ineffable smile is the truth that God is with us in love. The holiness, gentleness and love that shine in that baby’s face and from every baby’s face originates in the indestructible image and likeness of God, which is the uncreated essence of the Baby Jesus from all eternity and is the created essence of each baby who enters time destined for eternity.

There is a story of a man who always wept in sorrow when he held a newborn baby. He wept because he could “see” how the suffering that evil would inflict on this baby during life would disfigure his or her face and mind and heart. Yet, he was at peace and grateful for this baby’s coming into being, because he knew that the little baby he held in his arms, radiating transcendent innocence and love, indeed magnifying an inexpressible sense of gentle, peaceful, nonviolent holiness with his or her smile, would, despite all that may befall him or her, always be essentially as he or she was at that moment of his or her creation, because that is the how the Creator essentially made him or her to be…



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