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Christian authors blast Amazon for banning their books, selling pedophilia titles

Christian authors who once identified as gay or lesbian are highlighting the double standard Amazon is applying by removing their books from the platform while continuing to sell titles that promote pedophilia.

Restored Hope Network Executive Director Anne Paulk and pastoral counselor Joe Dallas both saw their books removed from the retail giant. Amazon told some authors that their books, which detail how Jesus transformed their lives and sexual identities, were in “violation of our content guidelines.”

Paulk, the author of Restoring Sexual Identity: Hope for Women Who Struggle with Same-Sex Attraction, said in a statement to The Christian Post on Thursday that she’s not surprised books like her’s and Dallas’ have been banned by the retailer.

“But it is literally criminal what the site still offers for sale,” she said.

Among the books that remain available on the platform is an academic work titled Pedophilia and Adult-Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis by Stephen Kershnar, which amounts to adefense of the sexual exploitation of children and calls into question its moral status. Kershnar is a distinguished teaching professor in the philosophy department at the State University of New York at Fredonia.



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