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Christian Zionist Pastor John MacArthur Joins Antichrist Zionist Jew Ben Shapiro In Promoting Genocide In Gaza

By The Washington Standard

I must admit that this report is one of the most nauseating news accounts of a Christian pastor that I have ever encountered. I would count it as one of the most egregious betrayals of Christ’s New Covenant by a “Christian minister” that I have ever witnessed. The Scripture tells us, Ye that love the LORD, hate evil. (Psalm 97:10). Well, this is pure evil.

Chris Menahan has the report:

“It wasn’t until the Persians completely wiped out the Amalekites that God’s will was fulfilled in that judgment,” Pastor John MacArthur told Shapiro. “Now, you might not like the fact that God is a judge but when God determines that I’m going to protect my People Israel and you’re going to attack My People Israel, I have a plan for My People Israel, as the New Testament says, so all Israel will be saved, there’s coming a kingdom he will fulfill every promise he ever gave 
 God is going to preserve that people and if you are a threat to that people, historically speaking, God says you need to be removed.”

“I think about that story so often when I think about this is like the modern version of Amalek and until they are wiped out this is just going to go on and on,” MacArthur continued. “I know I don’t want to be callous about things but God has in his sovereignty made a decision for the preservation of Israel into the future into the Kingdom of Messiah — that’s his plan, that’s his promise.”

“You can be a part of that by coming to the Messiah and being a part of his kingdom but if you attempt to destroy the very people that are the heart and soul of God’s plan, then you come under the Judgment of God and I think Israel is acting — even though they’re, you know, a secular nation in the large sense because salvation is individual not national — I think their desire to protect and preserve them and to fight in a really, a Terminal Way, against those who would destroy them follows the divine pattern of God for the preservation of that people until he fulfills his plan for them,” MacArthur added.

“You also know in the Old Testament, God said to the children of Israel when you go into the land destroy the Amalekites, destroy them, because I’m bringing judgment down on their heads for their sins — I mean they’re like a cancer in the world,” MacArthur responded.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened the war by labeling the Palestinians “Amalek” and other Israeli officials followed.

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