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CIA scientist exposes that gang stalking is killing and depopulating tens of millions of Americans in America, and hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

CIA scientist exposes that gang stalking is killing and depopulating tens of millions of Americans in America, and hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Satan Lucifer’s chimera aliens and their alien hybrid clone gang stalker Luciferian Satanist contracted groups are conducting the gang stalking to feed their D-Wave quantum computer A.I. with the targeted individuals’ photon brain energy data through trauma, so that it can learn how the human defense system functions. It’s goal is to make all human homo-sapiens specie people of God YHWH Jesus into a zombie brain-dead slave hive-mind people. The Illuminati Luciferian Satanist alien hybrid clone gang stalkers are using hive-mind synthetic telepathy to communicate with each other.

by Armageddon Apocalypse End Of World Blog

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and WDS International Coalition Alliance (ICA) battlefront.

Eric Karlstrom and Kev Baker and Anthony Patch exposes that there are 4 groups that are assassinating millions of our human homo-sapiens specie family members through gang stalking. They are the Operation Paperclip Nazi SS CIA and NSA and Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense.


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One Comment

  1. Robertmckellar Robertmckellar February 26, 2022

    I’m Robert McKellar from Vancouver shelter surrounded

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