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City Of London Corporation: Secret History Of The World’s Financial Capital



‘The City’ – or, ‘The Square Mile’ – refers to the City of London Corporation.

Together with Wall Street, The City forms the hub of the plutocratic system that controls most of the world, and is presently engulfing the few remaining states that it does not control, through the time-proven tactics of plutocracy: revolution ostensibly in the name of ‘the people’.1

Because The City is situated in England, and because it is often confused with the ancient capital, London, there has been a lot of obfuscation as to the character of the plutocratic system that is partially based in The City.

Hence, there has been a great deal stated, even by the well-informed, in regard to the British Empire and even the British Crown, being intrinsically a part of this international oligarchy.

This is to misunderstand the nature of international capital, which owes no steadfast loyalty to any system of government, head of state, religion, ethos, nation, ethnicity or culture. Any such allegiance is conditional.

What is ‘The City’?

The City of London Corporation is described in its promotional statements as “the world’s leading financial centre,” and as “the financial and commercial heart of Britain, the ‘Square Mile’.”2

The City of London is at the heart of the world’s financial markets. It is a unique concentration of international expertise and capital, with a supportive legal and regulatory system, an advanced communications and information technology infrastructure and an unrivalled concentration of professional services…3

Since the demise of the British Empire, worn out by two world wars that benefited it not a jot, Wall Street has popularly become identified as the international financial capital.

Again, this is due to the error in thinking that British imperial interests were synonymous with international plutocracy, and because Britain is no longer a world power, ‘London’ is subordinated to New York.

However, The City of London Corporation is neither synonymous with Britain nor British interests, other than when these happen to coincide with the interests of international finance. That is why, even though the British Empire has been defunct for over half a century, The City remains, in the words of its promoters, “at the heart of the world’s financial markets.”

Hence while Britain and the Commonwealth has a symbolic Head-of-State in the Monarch, the analogous Head-of-State for The City has precedence over the British Sovereign. The Lord Mayor of the City of London Corporation is “not the Mayor of (Greater) London”; nor is he a ‘mayor’ in the limited sense of the word.

He assumes the position as ‘Head-of-State’, not of merely a borough or a county. This Lord Mayor is elected for one year, and acts as a global ambassador for the international financial institutions situated in The City, and is “treated overseas as a Cabinet level Minister.”4

He lives in the palatial 250-year-old ‘Mansion House’. On state visits the British Monarch waits at the Gate of The City to seek permission to enter and is presented with the sword of The City by the Lord Mayor.5

This tradition has been preserved for more than 400 years, and the ceremony now is carried out on major state occasions where the Queen halts at Temple Bar to request permission to enter the City of London and is offered the Lord Mayor’s Sword of State as a sign of loyalty.6

No matter how one rationalises the ceremony as an ostensible mark of ‘loyalty’ by The City towards the British Monarch, it is nonetheless the Monarch who is placed in a subordinated position in seeking permission for entry and waiting for a symbolic affirmation of loyalty from The City on each occasion.

International Finance

It should be kept in mind that ‘international finance’ is exactly that: international; not Dutch, German, British, or American. Jewish bankers might be loyal to Judaism or to Israel, and the French Huguenots who went to London had a religious identity. But international finance is not bound to the states of its residence.

The ‘modern’ financial system did not originate in Britain, or even in the Occident. Ezra Pound, the famous poet who was also an avid opponent of usury-banking and an advocate of Social Credit banking reform, traced the premises of the ‘modern’ usurious financial system back to “the loans of seed-corn in Babylon in the third millennium BC.”7

As indicated above, international finance can shift focus over the world as the requirements of commerce dictate. As for the shift of the Money Power to England, this can be traced to the English Civil War, and even to the Reformation, where a Cromwell was significant in both…


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