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Cloning, body doubles, what are they, why they exist and how they are made.

by lavendearheather

Cloning, robotics, synthethic people, what is it, where are they made, why can’t we see them? With gratitude for our Greek authors, this article appeared first in the Greek language, and is provided with link of below translation by Google and slighty edited for readability, click link title for  article.

Clones and synthetic body doubles what they are, categories, why they exist and how they are made.

From Slaughter   21/06/2020


This is a complete article for the readers of “SFAGIS”, which we have prepared for you on the topic of cloning.

Before we move on, read some historical facts about cloning and related experiments.

1890 – A rabbit fetus is successfully transplanted into the womb of a foster mother.

1944 – A human egg is fertilized in a tube, that is, on simple terms, an egg is artificially fertilized in a test tube.

1952 – Briggs & King clones a frog at Indiana University.

1970 – Rand Corporation predicts that “para-humans” will be genetically engineered to do manual labor in the future. In a completely different case, Lord Rothschild, who is a physiologist who has studied genetics, warned that egocentric fanatics could set up private cloning stores. Lord Rothschild has suggested to geneticists that a clone control organization be set up with international jurisdiction over cloning licenses to protect the world from bad people who may want to clone people for bad purposes. He called the proposal of the “Genetic Control Committee”.

1977 – Announcement of the first successful cloning of a person, which became very rich for someone. This whole case was strongly attacked by the establishment. The book with the hidden details was released in 1978. The author went into hiding, and Congress held a parade of researchers to testify at a hearing to get rid of the book and reassure the public that medical researchers were very concerned about ethics to clone. people. The author was convinced of the truth of the fact of cloning, although the doctors of the media and institutions claimed that the author wrote the book simply as fiction.

1980 – Twinning, a form of cloning, successfully carried out by horse-drawn carriages, sheep and cattle – had already been cloned in previous years.

1981 – Mice clone. And the transfer of embryos to cattle becomes a thriving business.

1983 – A buffalo fetus is successfully transplanted into a stepmother.

1984 – A human embryo is successfully transplanted and born to a human stepmother.

1997 – A successful human clone is announced to the public.

Scientists working in secret became serious about cloning in the early 1960s. Abortions began to be performed in masse at this time to provide embryonic tissue for cloning. The new generation of Americans are asking, “When will people clone?” The answer is that it’s been a long time.

An article recently written by Andrew Kimbrell and published in many leading daily newspapers in the United States is quite revealing. He almost comes to tell people what was going on. The article was entitled to

“Science is going to be delivered.” (June 22, 1993)

“Most Americans are unaware of the real exploitation of today’s genetic engineering, scientific facts that in many cases are as cold as any science fiction.” Pigs have been genetically engineered to contain human developmental genes in hopes of creating “super pigs” that will have more meat. “…

The U.S. government and private investigators have spent billions of dollars on taxpayers to create tens of thousands of genetically modified animals that they have never seen before. A leading scientist predicts that we will soon see: “5ton cows and pigs 12 feet long and 5 feet high”.

Genetic engineers…. They have cloned superior mammals, including cattle….”

One author notes that; “genetic engineering has the potential to create a huge army of identical clones, each produced with a predetermined specification; canon animal feed, scientists, opera singers, everything could be made to order.”

The New York Times wrote, “Life is special, and people even more so, but biological machines are still machines that can now be modified, cloned, and patented.”- (MORE! Readers: There is a lot more between letters that are talking about biological robots – the robots that are now being created to take the place of people in high places. And the cold idea that they will produce machines that will be treated as nothing more than machines – that is also an amazing idea.

The author’s newsletter in September 1993 included two articles by this author on cloning, one entitled ” Clones, Synthetics, Organic Robotics and Doubles” and the other article “Dulce Genetic Research / Cloning Facility”. In the month following the release of the September 1993 newsletter, the foundation came out with stories about human cloning.

This 1993 cloning was the first public revelation and publicly accepted human cloning, but the truth is that it had already been done secretly for about 30 years. In December 1993, I had a follow-up article on cloning where I looked at what the media was telling people about cloning after the announcement of the “first” human cloning. My article also discussed the novel Multiple Man, which is about exactly how copies of The President is made. The book bears some striking resemblance to what it really did with President Carter!

Finally, in September 1996, this author’s newsletter was published with his fourth article on cloning. This appendix is ​​not the last word on the subject. The whole thing about clones, synthetics, robotics, and doubles will have a lot more to come.

This appendix is ​​just an overview of the content of these four articles. Cloning is also largely related to the manipulation of the mind / body presented in this book. It is also related to the group mind / power that is made.

Maybe at some point this author will get into the deeper intricacies of cloning, but for now this annex will provide his information in the following format: …


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