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CNN Warns Biden He Is In Trouble After Large Chunk of Michigan Democrats Voted ‘Uncommitted’

Sarah Arnold
By Sarah Arnold

CNN has come to terms that re-election for President Joe Biden may be a pipeline dream after Democrat voters in Michigan—and other swing states – are feeling uncommitted in November to him.

On Wednesday, a CNN panelist warned Biden that Michigan voters are sending him a “very strong message” after more than 100,000 Michiganders— or 13.2 percent of voters— voted uncommitted during the state’s Democratic president primary election.

Axios congressional reporter Stef Kight highlighted the real alarming issue for Biden, pointing out that the outcome of the night “was even better than organizers anticipated.”

“This was a big moment, and it goes to show just how important the issue of Israel, and um, Biden’s handling of the situation in Gaza there, how big of an issue that’s going to be,” Kight said. “We’ve seen this divide in the Democratic Party, you know, since the attack on Israel and October, and kinda the fallout of that. We’ve heard again and again from more progressive and younger voters who are upset with the way Biden has wholeheartedly backed Israel, and they want to see a change there. This is just a very practical and real warning that this is to be taken seriously.”

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