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CNN’s Mattingly: House Republicans ‘Literally’ Pouring Gasoline, Setting Themselves On Fire!

By Mark Finkelstein

On Monday’s CNN This Morning, anchor they discussed the challenges Republicans are encountering in electing a speaker. But it grew nasty.

GOP strategist Doug Heye explained that back in the Obama years, with threatened government shutdowns, “we would refer to those as “touch-the-stove moments” to learn (like children) “that they’ll get burned if they touch the stove that’s hot. The reality is they’ve been leaning on the stove for a long time and they haven’t gotten burned. At this point, they want to take over the oven and the entire kitchen, and it’s not clear if they’ll be able to do so, yet.”

Co-anchor Phil Mattingly then took that patronizing metaphor to a whole new level, asking leftist CNN analyst Natasha Alford:

“They’re literally pouring gasoline on themselves and just lighting themselves on fire at this point. And don’t seem to be dissuaded by the burns at all. Can you tell people why this matters, from a tangible perspective, beyond the kind of hilarity of the ineptitude and the ridiculousness of the moment?.”

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