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‘Coming to a Theatre Near You:’ Dershowitz Warns Columbia University Protesters ‘Will Become Terrorists’

Sarah Arnold
By Sarah Arnold 

College campuses and law enforcement continue to clamp down on pro-Hamas protestors who have been harassing Israeli students nationwide for more than a week.

Many of the pro-terrorism demonstrators incite violence and hate toward the Jewish community, resulting in students and faculty members feeling threatened in a place where they should not. 

Former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz warned that some of the protestors participating in the encampments at Columbia University will “become terrorists.” 

“It’s coming to a theatre near you,” the professor cautioned. 

Dershowitz explained that universities nationwide have been teaching anti-semitism for years, citing an example of two female activists who went from protesting a movement to terrorists after joining the Weather Underground group— a far-left Marxist militant organization known for building underground bombs. 

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