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Communism’s Woke Gods Must Be Crazy

By J.B. Shurk


It’s no wonder that one of the first acts of all communist regimes is to round up and murder anybody not hysterically committed to the “cause.”  Communism, like its COVID-1984 kissing cousin, only thrives when mass formation psychosis takes over.  In practice, this entails killing an awfully large number of people who are too old or experienced to believe in fairy tales told to them by government agents with one hand on a loaf of bread and the other on the butt of a gun.

And you say if we collectivize our farms, we’ll be able to feed the whole nation?  An end to property rights will bring about utopia in our own time?  Tell me, what kind of mule kicked you in the head, son?  Hey, wait, let me go…

It is a sad fact that communism depends on the young, naĂŻve, or brain-dead to push an ideology that brings nothing but poverty, unhappiness, and death.  “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world,” Vladimir Lenin boasted.  Transform?  If not for friends of freedom, perhaps so.  But by capturing generations of children, he was certainly capable of breaking their futures into pieces.  Venezuela, China, Cuba, Cambodia, Korea — wherever communism is allowed to draw breath, mass murder and dystopia follow in quick succession.


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