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Congress Pursues Investigation Into Proliferation of Chinese Communist Propaganda on Capitol Hill

Rep. Banks: State-run agitprop has no place in halls of Congress

A leading member of Congress is demanding that Capitol Hill administrative authorities investigate how and why Chinese state-funded propaganda is being delivered each day to scores of members in both legislative chambers, according to a letter to be sent Monday to the House chief administrative officer and the Justice Department.

Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, demanded in a new communication obtained by the Washington Free Beacon that congressional authorities and the Department of Justice begin providing answers about why China Daily, a notorious Communist Party mouthpiece, is winding up on the doorsteps of nearly every congressional office each morning.

The Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece has long touted its wide distribution across Capitol Hill and new information obtained by Banks indicates that a Chinese state-controlled entity is bankrolling the effort to deluge congressional offices with communist agitprop.

The issue has long simmered in the background of congressional efforts to stem China’s dissemination of propaganda within the United States, not just on Capitol Hill but at many American universities and schools. Opponents of this stealth influence campaign by China, like Banks, are demanding that Congress’s oversight authorities address the issue.


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