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‘Conservative’ commentator suggests Republicans buck America First candidates because…. ‘character’ and ‘democracy’

By Olivia Murray


Two days ago, The Atlantic published an essay by David French, a high-profile “conservative” commentator and “theological” Christian. In reference to the upcoming midterms, and specifically the Senate race between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock, French wrote:

If ever there were a time and place for a thoughtful, patriotic conservative to vote third party or perhaps even vote for a reasonable Democrat, it’s the 2022 election in Georgia.

Warnock, the “Christian” pastor who co-sponsored the radically pro-abortion “Women’s Health Protection Act” is a “reasonable” man? It’s “reasonable” that Warnock, a politician who stumped on the cruelty of eviction, leads a church which is currently seeking to oust its own underprivileged tenants? All while he himself draws a six-figure annual salary, and a nearly $7.5k monthly housing allowance?

French also writes, “Every voter should presume that Walker, if he wins, will do exactly what Trump demands.” Sorry to upset the apple cart, but that’s exactly what the people like about Walker — he’s a Trump ally and espouses American values and supports America first policy.


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