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Conservatives Fell Right Into the Juneteenth Trap Set by Democrats

by Jeff Dornik

While President Donald Trump had originally wanted to make Juneteenth a national holiday, he was unfortunately unable to make that happen. The Dems have now hijacked that plan and manipulated it to their advantage, setting up a trap for conservatives to step into, once again. We’ve been setup yet again… and we fall for it every single time.

The Democrats implemented Juneteenth as a national holiday. This was widely celebrated by the Left across this country as a step in the right direction. The response from the Republicans and Conservatives was widely dismissive and anti-Juneteenth. After watching the discussion over this new holiday over the weekend, I firmly believe that this was a trap set by the Democrats to hijack this holiday and cause the Right to respond stupidly, allowing them to paint us all as White Supremacists and Racists.

The thing is, however, that we cannot put all the blame onto the Left. Yes, they were the one that strategically implemented this
 but Conservatives were the ones who unnecessarily stepped directly into the trap.

We had the perfect opportunity with Juneteenth to push our narrative that we are the party of Freedom, Liberty and Opportunity for all, no matter your race, gender, background, culture or any other divisive category.

One point that should have been made is that this was originally President Donald Trump’s plan to make Juneteenth a national holiday. Instead of fighting against Juneteenth, Republicans should have voted FOR it, and then publicly thank the Democrats for implementing President Trump’s policies. This could have gone a long way to show that the Republican Party are the ones fighting against racism. Instead, our leadership opposed it, signaling to the world that we are hypocrites and make it look like we are anti-minorities, which is exactly what the Democrats wanted.

The other point that should have been made is that we need to celebrate Juneteenth, because this is a celebration of our Conservative values being implemented even further. This is a celebration of the day that the slaves were freed because of the exhaustive fight that Conservatives and Republicans took part incur to the believe that every single man, woman and child has intrinsic value given to us by God, which is what the Constitution of the United States seeks to protect.

The end of slavery was a step towards fully implementing the values of our Founding Fathers and Conservatism. The Democrats were the side that sought to preserve slavery because of their racist ideology that African-Americans are seen as “less-than.” Now, to be fair, they’ll never admit that. But all you have to do is listen to their talking points, and it’s clear that their view is that the darker your skin color is, the more impossible it is for you to succeed in America. Last I checked, that is racist.

Do not forget that not only were the Democrats the party of slavery during the time of the Civil War, but they were also the party of the Jim Crow Laws. Now, it is important to understand that the way the Democrat Party works is that they use the force of the government to implement their morality onto others. That was the horrific tragedy of the Jim Crow Laws.

Jim Crow was not just a few businesses banding together to treat Black Americans as sub-human. No, it was under the force of law that was implemented by the Democrat Party that compelled businesses to behave in this way. Think about it
 the same strategy being used today to force a Christian baker to make a cake for a gay wedding is the same that was used to force businesses to segregate their customers by the color of their skin.

These were the points that should have been made when it came to Juneteenth. Instead, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro and the rest of Conservative Inc publicly ridiculed the holiday and put it down. This was the stupidest move we could have made.

I would like to distance myself from the “opposition party” within Conservatism, where the leadership simply sees what points the Democrats are making and responds with the opposite point. No, we must go on the offensive and win the argument. To do so, we cannot allow ourselves to play the game by the made up rules that the Left tries to force on us. No, we must forge our own path, boldly declaring the truth wherever that leads.


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