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Covid Child Abusers, With Their School Mask Mandates, Are Back

By Selwyn Duke


With some school systems reinstituting mask mandates, some wonder: Is the explanation stupidity or sociopathy? After all, even CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen, once a fierce advocate of socially penalizing the “unvaxxed” and of masking schoolchildren, changed her tune this summer on the latter — after the practice harmed her own little son’s “language development.”

But the house that fell on her hasn’t impressed Philadelphia’s city fathers. One might assume these officials would focus on fighting crime, since young men in the “City of Brotherly Love’s” most violent zip code are almost twice as likely to be shot to death as soldiers in Afghanistan were. Instead, they’ve busied themselves mandating that Philly’s schoolkids must wear masks for 10 days upon their Christmas break return. It brings to mind comedian W.C. Fields’s old crack about a Philadelphia existence being only slightly preferable to death.

Going one better (as in worse), Passaic County in New Jersey had a school mask mandate take effect last week, citing high levels of community China virus transmission. Interestingly, this “threat” didn’t seem to faze Passaic’s teachers at their holiday party just days before (image below).






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