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Covid Myth Busting Before It Was Fact Using Some Commonsense – Get Ready for 2024

By Zahir Ebrahim



Commonsense trumps real science – which needs real data, not commonsense… and that empirical data comes too late sometimes as a consequence of nefarious policies and disguised political agendas. There’d have been no covid injuries and vaccine uptake would have been near zero had the vast majority of public worldwide exercised some shrewd commonsense and recognized snake oil for what it was / still is. Modernity’s greatest hijacking through behavior control is co-opting publics commonsense. Even coercion requires a measure of public’s consent. How not to withhold consent is the entire edifice upon which oligarchic controls rest. Understanding this gets back to the public using their commonsense to pre-empt the dystopic oligarchic agendas.

My Covid Pandemic Myth-Busting Analysis From January 30, 2020 to April 30, 2020 – Before All Hard Facts And Hard Data Were Known – Based Only On Some Commonsense And Knowing The History Of Previous Scams—Some call that being street savvy! That street-smartness, to not purchase snake-oil from used car salesman no matter how convincing the spiel, does not require a college degree. In fact, being college educated, particularly more advanced the degree, seems to be an increasing impediment to street savviness. It’s called social engineering, designed to corral all of us into “United we Stand” with the most absurd… the snake-oil of engineering consent.

New wave of pandemic is being launched in 2024 by Nature – so they say. Read up a little. Get your episteme straight. Our biggest problem today is crippled epistemology. One way to overcome it is to use a bit of commonsense and street smarts. Of course, reading outside the prescribed curriculum and officialdom’s sanctioned narratives helps scrutinize and eliminate some epistemic distortions. That takes time and inclination for due diligence, not blind trust in authority figures as the principal epistemic source. Don’t claim you are too busy. The curse of being busy can be fatal. That busyness is part of keeping the public occupied between bread and circuses, a ploy as old as ruling class primacy, as old as mankind.

See my Statement of January 30, 2020 (link below) when the entire planet was singing the “Happy Unbirthday to Me” song from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I was calling the pandemic an exercise in demand creation for vaccines.


Conclusive evidence now available for those who seek it, of covid fairytales spun by officialdom, discovered in actual ex post facto medical and scientific data long after I had deconstructed it as the first part of a very diabolical, Machiavellian, bioweapons systems-psyop Hegelian Dialectic, for tickling demand creation of the second follow on part of its more lethal bioweaponry twin – its antithesis: vaccines, and its digital mandates to enslave humankind; to set the stage for baby-step overhaul of humankind 1.0 into transhuman 2.0 – total enslaving control of humanity – the real agenda!

Links to my earliest reports from January, February and March 2020 just as the pandemic was taking off and lockdowns were being instrumented worldwide, and long before, several months if not a year and half to two before, the medical patient datasets of vaccine injuries and fatalities and vaccine deployment and their content deconstructions were publicly available:

* April 2020

* Book: The Useful Idiot’s Guide To Pandemic 2020 PDF

* March 2020

* Coronavirus foresight by CDC in Nov 2019 March 22, 2020

* Walk Down 2009 Memory Lane: Vaccines Portent 2020? March 21, 2020

* Why I Believe This is a BIOWEAPON March 20, 2020

* I Believe This is a Bioweapon March 18, 2020

* February 2020

* Learning From 2009 Swine Flu History for 2020 Coronavirus Feb 24, 2020

* Letter to Virologists and Infectious Diseases Experts on the Coronavirus Feb 2, 2020

* Letter to Promed on the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Making Feb 1, 2020

* Letter to Harvard Virologist on the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Making Feb 1, 2020

* January 2020

* Statement on the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Making January 30, 2020

But normal, very learned, super college educated professional people with advanced science and arts degrees still believe in Dorothy’s visit to the Wizard of Oz, and in Alice in Wonderland!

Even in 2024 with new variant boogeymen of Covid being advertised as currently being baked in Nature’s soup kitchens… and its antidote vaccines already patented and ready, just awaiting for the viral fourth horseman of the Apocalypse to be let loose upon humankind 1.0 from Nature’s kitchen.

Not sure how big pharma learns its genetic composition before it’s let loose upon the public; the public already suitably primed with fear, thus eagerly demanding dozes of the new vaccines themselves…

But that’s okay, it is called science…


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