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#COVID19 is caused by vaccines | Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD

#COVID19 is caused by vaccines | Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD
#COVID19 is caused by vaccines | Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD


Dr Judy Mikovits has a Ph.D. in molecular biology and biochemistry with over 30 years of experience. She has directed programs on HIV, cancer, epigenetics and neuroimmune disease with a focus on the development of novel drug and diagnostic technologies.

In 2011 when she made a horrifying discovery that was contaminating all vaccinations, she presented her data to government officials and was threatened and told to destroy all her data. When she did not, she was jailed, her career systematically destroyed, and a gag order put in place for four years threatening that if she spoke out she would be thrown back in jail.

The gag order has been lifted and now she’s talking.

#COVID19 series: Harvard, UNC, Fauci, NIH, WHO, B&M Gates Foundation guilty of #COVID19 | Prof Francis Boyle, JD, PhD

#COVID19 is caused by vaccines | Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD

NO science behind the lockdown | Dr Dan Erickson

Where did #COVID19 come from? | The Epoch Times

Don’t accept any kind of vaccination | Dr Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize Medicine 2008: discovered HIV)

We’re likely overreacting to COVID and dooming ourselves to a horrible future | Prof. John Ioannidis

Flatten the curve is a start, not a solution | Dr David L. Katz, MD

COVID deniers

Governments scour the Earth for hideous diseases to weaponise them | Dr Francis Boyle, PhD

Govts are genetically engineering viruses to wipe out millions | Dr David Sinclair, PhD

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  1. Doug Miller Doug Miller April 27, 2020

    The Empire does not like people using real data to thwart their mind control and psyops objectives, you know.

  2. Doug Miller Doug Miller April 27, 2020

    excellent articles and links – thanks.

  3. Teresa Tucker Teresa Tucker May 14, 2020

    Thank you Dr Mikovits! I’m on your side.
    Wondering if you could help answer a question or two?
    I worked at Biotech Research Labs in Rockville MD in 1984. Only there for about six months but I remember Dr Gallo and Dupont having been affiliated with the lab. So many of the test serums received there came from all around the world, mostly Africa. I handled them from receiving to storage in liquid nitrogen tanks and retrieved them from same as they were requested for testing. In that 6 months of employment, I was tested for HIV as it was just one of many things being researched there.
    With being vaccinated as a child, then again prior to moving overseas to Guam in the 60s and again in 79 upon joining the navy, one has to wonder what we were exposed to from all those vaccines?
    2003 I’m diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, and high blood pressure all on one doctor visit. I was born in 58. Praise God I’m still alive. I won’t take another diabetes drug or vaccine ever again. Thank you so much for your research. God bless you!!!✝

  4. John Wells John Wells July 8, 2020

    How can we donate to you?

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