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Critics Slam JAMA Study Claiming 52 U.S. Doctors Spread COVID ‘Misinformation’

Critics of the study by University of Massachusetts researchers took issue with the researchers’ definition of “misinformation” as “assertions unsupported by or contradicting U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance on COVID-19 prevention and treatment.”

By Monica Dutcher

Critics of a study published this week in JAMA concluding 52 doctors from across the U.S., propagated “COVID-19 misinformation about vaccines, treatments, and masks on large social media and other online platforms” called the study nothing more than “propaganda.”

“Ultimately, misinformation is just a weaponized term meaning nothing,” said Vinay Prasad, M.D., MPH. “People who use it are often completely ignorant of science and truth.

Prasad and others pointed to several flaws in the study, including the researchers’ definition of “misinformation,” the reported percentage of those with post-COVID-19 condition, or “long COVID” and the false claim that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine alone led to deaths — as deaths also have been linked to the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines.

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