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Crushing NATO’s Nefarious Narratives

by Declan Hayes

Let’s bring these over embroidered narratives down to kindergarten level so NATO’s huffers, puffers and bluffers can understand.

So here we are, forced to castigate all Russians, those far away people about whom NATO’s scribes know absolutely nothing. Why is that? Why must we waste yet more time debunking NATO’s stupid libels that delightful Russian children’s stories are undermining the fabric of French society? Why is The Economist insisting we burn the works of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy without even reading, never mind musing on them? What is it about Russian Special Olympians that we must hate them as if they were invading Martians? Is it to make us more despicable Nazis than even the worst of Hitler’s henchmen ever were?

It certainly seems so. We must be outraged if General Armageddon’s troops launch missiles at Kiev that force its children to spend some hours in bunkers but we must not mention that the Kiev junta’s former dictator not only promised the Russian speakers of Donbas that their children would spend their entire lives cowering in such bunkers but that he unleashed his Nazi hordes on them to do just that. We must applaud NATO’s murder of non-combatant Darya Dugina and celebrate the terrorist attack on Crimea’s bridge but be outraged if General Armageddon’s forces respond. We are so brainwashed as to believe that Russians, Armenians and Palestinians must never bark back, that they must lie down like the proverbial Danes…

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