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Cruz: ‘Distressingly High’ Possibility China Invades Taiwan and ‘Real Possibility’ Iran Gets Nuke Before 2025

by Ian Hanchett

During an interview released on Thursday’s “The Interview with Hugh Hewitt,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he believes there is “a real possibility” Iran will develop a nuclear weapon and a “distressingly high possibility that China will militarily invade Taiwan” before the end of 2024.

Cruz said, [relevant remarks begin around 11:02] “Xi sees that weakness as a signal [of] what Biden will do if they invade Taiwan. And there are two things that I am deeply concerned about, that I think there’s a real possibility will happen in the next four years, before the end of 2024: Number one, I think there’s a real possibility the Ayatollah Khamenei will develop a nuclear weapon, that they’ve taken a measure of Joe Biden, they think he’s too weak to respond, and so they’re going to rush to get a nuke before Biden’s gone. And number two, I think there is a distressingly high possibility that China will militarily invade Taiwan for exactly the same reason, that Xi has taken a measure of Biden, and he doesn’t believe there will be any meaningful consequences.”


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