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Cutthroat Conquest: The Protocols of Power Part 1

By: John S. Torell

Moses Hess (1812-1875) – Bullet Points of Long Form below 

  1. Background: Moses Hess, born in Bonn, Germany (1812-1875), initially practiced Orthodox Judaism before turning to Kabbalah.
  2. Early Career: Published “The Holy History of Mankind” in 1837, revealing his anarchic socialist ideas. Founded the newspaper “Rheinische Zeitung” in 1841.
  3. Influence on Marx: Promoted Karl Marx as chief editor of his newspaper in 1842. Introduced Marx to both Freemasonry and communism.
  4. Connection with Friedrich Engels: In 1844, Hess introduced Marx to Friedrich Engels.
  5. Political Legacy: Considered the father of communism and Zionism.
  6. Final Resting Place: Originally buried in Cologne, Germany; reburied in 1961 in Kineret, Israel, among founders of modern Zionist socialist movement.
  7. Beliefs and Allegiances: Advocated for socialism under the Rothschild family’s banner. Publicly aggressive towards opponents of socialism, privately maintained Jewish religious practices.
  8. Controversial Teachings to Marx: Told Marx that Jews were tasked with transforming Gentiles into “wild animals.”
  9. Public Appeal: His teachings attracted young Europeans, promising wealth redistribution and a utopian socialist society.

Moses Hess was born in Bonn, Germany and died in Paris, France. He was practiced Orthodox Judaism but broke away and embraced the Kabbalah. In 1837, he anonymously published his first book, “The Holy History of Mankind,” which revealed his ideas on anarchic socialism. In 1841, he founded the radical newspaper, “Rheineische Zeitung.” In 1842 he promoted Karl Marx, a German Jew to chief editor. Hess introduced Marx to the Freemasons and to communism. In 1844, Hess introduced Marx to the German Jew Friedrich Engels.

Moses Hess is considered the father of two political movements: communism and Zionism. He was buried in Cologne, Germany, but in 1961 his remains were re-buried in the graveyard of Kineret (Lake of Galilee, Israel) next to the graves of other founders of the modern Zionist socialist movement.

Hess believed that his ideology could be carried out under the banner of the Jewish Rothschild family. He publicly swore destruction and death to anyone who resisted his teachings on socialism, but in private, he was a religious Jew.

Hess told Karl Marx that the Jews had been given the task to transform the Gentiles into wild animals.  Meanwhile his public teachings appealed to the young European people because life was hard for the working class. Here was a system that took the wealth from the rich and allowed all people to live a wonderful life in a utopian socialist society.

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) – Bullet Points of Long Form below

  1. Background: Theodor Herzl, born in Pest, Hungary (1860-1904), was a law graduate who became a writer and prominent figure in Zionism.
  2. Journalism Career: Served as Paris correspondent for “The Free Press,” a liberal Vienna newspaper, from 1891 to 1895.
  3. Key Publication: In 1896, Herzl published “Der Judenstaat,” proposing Jewish relocation to Palestine and laying the foundation for Zionism.
  4. Reaction to “Der Judenstaat”: The book divided the Jewish community, with Western European Jews generally rejecting it, while Eastern European and Russian Jews supported the idea of a Jewish homeland.
  5. Strategy for Colonization: Advocated for a structured population transfer to avoid stimulating anti-Semitism, suggesting international supervision.
  6. Phased Relocation Plan:
    1. First, relocate “desperate Jews” from Russia, training them for labor to build the homeland’s infrastructure.
    2. Second, bring in poor Jews from Eastern Europe to create labor pools for commercial development.
    3. Third, after establishing infrastructure and farming, relocate prosperous Jews to capitalize on trade.
    4. Finally, transfer wealthy Jews to live in the developed land.
  7. Anticipated Resistance: Herzl expected opposition from Jews comfortable in their current situations, expressing a willingness to combat internal resistance for the sake of preserving Jewish nationality.

Theodor Herzl was born in Pest, Hungary and died in Vienna, Austria. Even though he graduated from law school in 1884, he became a writer involved with Zionism. He wrote books and various plays about the problems facing the society of his day. From 1891 to 1895, Herzl served as the Paris correspondent for the Vienna newspaper, “The Free Press,” an influential liberal Vienna daily newspaper.

n 1896, Herzl published a book called, “Der Judenstaat,” in which he outlined his plan to relocate the Jews to Palestine. The first step was to build a strong political base. The book stirred up emotions in the Jewish community worldwide. The Jewish communities in Western Europe rejected the proposal while the poorer Jewish communities in Eastern Europe and Russia embraced the idea of a Jewish homeland; the Zionist Movement was born with Theodor Herzl as the Father. Herzl knew that a gradual colonizing would only stimulate anti-Semitism, so he advocated a population transfer under international supervision.

First was the transfer of the “desperate Jews” fleeing oppression in Russia due to the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, in 1881, by a group of Jewish conspirators. This first group of Jews would be retrained for labor to cultivate the soil and build the infrastructure of the homeland

The second group brought in would be the poor Jews from Eastern Europe who would create vast labor pools which would be used to develop the nation commercially.

Once the infrastructure had been built and the farmers were able to support the people, then the prosperous Jews would be transferred to capitalize on the new Jewish state’s trade. The objective would be to bring in Jewish businessmen who could build up the economy of the nation.

The final transfer would be the wealthy Jews who would move in and live comfortably in the land that had been built by sweat and labor of the first three groups.

Theodor Herzl anticipated resistance from comfortable Jews and wrote, “Old prisoners do not willingly leave their cells… Perhaps we shall have to fight first of all against many an evil-disposed, narrow-hearted, short-sighted member of our own race. Whoever can, will and must perish, let him perish, but the distinctive nationality of the Jews neither can, will, nor must be destroyed. Whole branches of Judaism may wither and fall, but the trunk remains.” 

THE WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS OF 1897 – Bullet Points of Long Form below 

  1. Event Overview: The World Zionist Congress of 1897 was a historic meeting in Basel, Switzerland, led by Theodor Herzl, focusing on the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.
  2. Comparison to Political Parties: The congress’s method of setting an agenda was likened to how U.S. political parties outline their platforms during presidential elections.
  3. Strategic Focus: Recognizing the lack of military power, Herzl and the Congress leaders aimed to gain control over industrial nations through financial and political means.
  4. Doctrine of Dispensationalism: This doctrine supposedly aided the Zionist movement by diminishing the influence of Christian denominations in finance, education, politics, and media.
  5. Document Translation and Controversy:
    1. A Zionist agenda document was translated into English and placed in the British Museum in 1907.
    2. The author received a copy in 1976, leading to concerns about its authenticity.
    3. The document was declared a fraud in a 1935 Swiss trial, alleged to be the work of the Russian Tsar’s secret police (Okrana) from the 1890s.
  6. Verification Efforts:
    1. The author’s associate, Dutch Evangelist Ben Hanegraff, confirmed the document’s presence in the British Museum in 1977.
    2. A signed and stamped memo from the museum verified the document’s filing in 1907.
  7. Reflection on the Document’s Impact: The author suggests that, regardless of the document’s authenticity, its contents seemed to have been either prophetic or influential, as its proposals appeared to be realized 100 years later. 

I traced the history of Zionism in the 2002 issue of The Dove magazine, so if you do not have a copy, you may request one from us. This historical meeting in Basel, Switzerland was led by Theodor Herzl, and an agenda was adopted on how to create the political State of Israel in the land of Palestine.

This is the same thing that the Democratic and Republican parties do every fourth year in the U.S. when there is a presidential election. Instead of calling it an agenda, it is called the party platform for which the policy is laid out for the next four years.

It was clear to Herzl and the leadership at this congress that since they did not have any military power at their disposal, they had to gain control over the industrial nations by way of financial and political control. They already had the doctrine of dispensationalism working for them which would remove the powerful Christian denominations from financial, educational and political institutions, as well as from all media. I am now going to copy some the Zionist agenda was translated into English and in 1907 a copy of it was placed in the British Museum in London. I was given a copy of the English translation in 1976 and was very disturbed when I read it. Since the agenda had been attacked and declared a fraud, with a trial held in Switzerland in 1935 in which the court declared the agenda to be fraud and the work of the Russian Tsar’s secret police (Okrana) in the 1890s, I wanted to be sure that a copy had been indeed been placed in the British Museum in 1907. A friend of mine, the Dutch Evangelist Ben Hanegraff had been with us in Sacramento in 1977 to record my Bible studies in Dutch, and he promised to check things out. A few months later when he was in London, he walked into the museum, saw the copy and was able to have a clerk type up a memo that was signed and stamped, confirming that a copy of the agenda had indeed been entered into the files of the museum in 1907. He mailed me the memo, which we now have on file. If the document was a fraud, then the people writing it must either had a supernatural insight to the future, or someone decided that the document, fraudulent or not, was worth following. 100 years after the document was filed at the British Museum, we can now see how it has been fulfilled.


  1. There are more people with bad instinct than good and the best result to govern them is by violence and terrorization.
  2. Wars should not give any territorial gain, the goal is to get nations in debt to our international agenturs.
  3. Education should be destructive.
  4. In order to incite seekers after power to a misuse of power, we have set all forces in opposition one to another, breaking up their liberal tendency toward independence.
  5. By want and envy and hatred we shall move the mobs and with the hand of the mob we shall wipe out those who hinder us. However, Jews will be safe.
  6. We shall take control over Masonry, who will then blindly serve us. We shall also destroy faith in God in the masses.
  7. We shall rule the masses by cleverly manipulated theories, by regulations in generals. We will also create monopoly capital.
  8. We shall establish huge monopolies, which will be reservoirs of large fortunes. This will enable us to enslave the Gentiles.
  9. We shall intensify armament, including building up police forces. By creating disorder, we will be able to control governments.
  10. We will surround ourselves with publicists, practical jurists, administrators, diplomats. Our government shall be surrounded by economists and we will gather around us bankers, industrialists, capitalists and millionaires.
  11. Pay attention to the people in the countries you live in. We will rule by the force of our will. Christian youth will be targeted for destruction.
  12. Our goal is world
  13. We will use the poison of liberalism and we will name presidents. Little by little shall we destroy nations.
  14. We are wolves and the Gentiles are the sheep.
  15. Freedom will be interpreted by the law and we shall determine what the law shall be. We will control the press and there shall be no free press. Written before there was radio and television, including social media. Only lies will be printed.
  16. The need for the daily bread will keep the Gentiles silent, as we deceive the workers.
  17. When we come into our kingdom, we shall forbid the worship of Christ.
  18. We shall multiply masonic lodges and the members of these lodges will be our agents. Gentiles are stupid and they are like cattle. We demand submission. We shall be cruel.
  19. We shall take over universities and re-educate officials and professors. We shall change history.
  20. We will control the judicial system, judges and lawyers and we shall destroy the clergy. The King of the Jews will be the real pope of the universe.
  21. We shall be a government of fear.
  22. There will be no independent dabbling in politics.
  23. When we come into our kingdom, with an autocratic government. It will be understood that all property and resources belong to our king. We will now destroy capital and we will cause financial depressions, in order to bankrupt gentile states. We will rule by the tyranny of usury.
  24. Loans from us will be given to gentile states in order to enslave them.
  25. Gold is the greatest power in our hands.
  26. In order to keep the Gentile people in obedience, we shall reduce the production of articles of luxury.
  27. It is now time to confirm the dynastic roots of King David. (Infiltrated Royal House)

Get the full series of books below:

John S. Torell The Kabbalah – Book 1: Sabbatai Sevi $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah – Book 2: Jacob Frank $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah – Book 3: The Rothschild Family $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah – Book 4: The Stealth Takeover of the United States $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah – Book 5: The Rise of the Illuminati $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah – Book 6: The Illuminati and the Revolutions $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah – Book 7: God’s Antidote to the Illuminati $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah – Book 8: Bitter Fruit  $9.00

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