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Dan Bongino gets locked out of Twitter, says GOOD BYE to censored leftwing platform


As y’all know, Twitter and Facebook have been busy banishing people overnight, including locking out the President of the United States (but not any Chinese propaganda accounts for some reason.)

Well they also banned Dan Bongino. He’s had it with them, and so have a lot of other people (see below.)

So what crime did Bongino commit, you ask? For sharing a video of President Trump CALLING FOR PEACEFUL NON-VIOLENCE.

No, I’m serious. That is why.

Trump’s offending posts included one with a video he made addressing his supporters who entered the Capitol building yesterday, telling them to stay peaceful and go home. He also repeated claims about election fraud in the video that were likely the catalyst for their censorship.

Merely mentioning that in an article on this website was enough to get Dan’s Twitter account locked.

In an article on about President Trump releasing a message agreeing to a peaceful transition of power, we mentioned that President Trump couldn’t share that message to social media himself because of the aforementioned suspensions. We also included (and had to since remove) the offending Trump video to provide context for the reader for his suspension.

And in response to that, tweeting out the story that also happened to include Trump’s comments resulted in Dan’s twitter account getting locked. We captioned the tweet “Twitter wouldn’t let Trump post it himself” – and apparently neither can we.

Y’all, we can’t make this stuff up. Do you see what is happening? I hope so. Because they’re doing it in the open right in front of our faces.

While Dan was locked out, Mark Levin posted a message for him.

And guess what, Bongino isn’t the only one who is fed up, either.

I will say again what I’ve been saying though: Parler needs to fix embeds if they’re ever going to break out big with the media folks. And yes, I mean right-wing media folks. Embeddable comments (and the ability to search) are what feed egos. And that’s what drives business.


One Comment

  1. Rick Lord Rick Lord January 8, 2021

    I’m sure if I looked back awhile ago when Pelosi said disrupt Trump supporters wherever you see them, like restaurants, Twitter blocked her also … oh wait

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