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‘Dark Ages’ feared to be returning to Europe

by Bob Unruh

A senior counsel and director of policy for the American Center for Law and Justice, a longtime advocate for civil and religious rights, is warning that circumstances are looking grim for Europe.

In fact, Harry G. Hutchison, who has served as law professor at the Antonin Scalia Law School and is a founding fellow at the M.G. Robertson Global Centre for Law & Public Policy, in an online commentary, warned there could be another “Dark Age” because of the coming collapse of energy resources.

“Last week approximately 70,000 people filled Wenceslas Square in the center of the Czech capital in Prague. This follows the Italian government’s collapse, the Argentinian government’s looming collapse, the implosion of the government of Sri Lanka, and the farmers’ revolt over soaring energy and nitrogen prices in the Netherlands, all of which seem sparked by the so-called green revolution,” he said…

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