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David Paterson warns of potential city revolt amid migrant crisis

By Gemma Iso


New York former Governor David Paterson issued a stern warning about a possible uprising of US cities against the federal government due to the escalating migrant crisis.

Paterson criticized what he sees as a lack of willingness and ability to address the crisis effectively.

“There does not seem to be any willingness or ability on the part of the federal government,” he remarked, highlighting the growing frustration among city officials and residents.

As tensions continue to rise, Paterson suggested that the growing discord between cities and the federal government might lead to a “city versus country revolt.” He argued that such a drastic scenario might actually be necessary to awaken the Biden administration to the urgency of the situation.

Paterson emphasized that while people are sympathetic to the plight of migrant individuals, there needs to be a comprehensive plan in place that considers the capacity and resources of each city…


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