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DC crime surge inspires DC Attorney General to target gas stoves as dangerous


Washington D.C. has become a crime-ridden hellhole. It has gotten so bad that Members of Congress are getting assaulted, young girls are getting shot in the crossfire, and shootings per weekend are counted in job lots.

Violent crime is surging. Not merely increasing, but rising so rapidly that even the media is calling it a surge.

On April 21, eight people were wounded in shootings in the neighborhood of Southeast D.C., including a 12-year-old girl. None of the injuries were life-threatening, police said at the time. According to the latest city statistics, overall crime in the nation’s capital so far this year is up 25% compared to 2022. Homicides are up 20% and motor vehicle theft is up 106%, the numbers show.

So what is the DC Attorney General spending his time on? Let’s look at the “latest news” on his website to find out!

As you can see from the dates, this isn’t some static website. The AG is a busy guy, pumping out press releases at a blistering pace. He is working on increasing legal services for criminals, dealing with business practices, and housing code violations, and working with other AGs around the country to ensure that gas stoves are eliminated.

Perhaps the Attorney General isn’t the guy who is supposed to deal with public safety issues? Maybe his job is regulating household appliances, and I am being unfair to him.

Oops. No, crime is his bailiwick too. Not that he seems to care much. He isn’t seeking prosecutions, but “justice,” which apparently means social justice, not justice for the victims of crime. He is, apparently, interested in “preventing” crimes, although given the statistics listed above one might wonder whether he has time amid his other priorities.

Yes, you too can be assured that he is working very hard to ensure that restaurants don’t tack on a service fee and that Mcdonald’s isn’t making workers sign non-compete contracts. You can even get free tax preparation, as long as you survive the coming long, hot summer. It’s good to see that he is working hard for the citizens of DC.


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