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Deadspin Writer Who Falsely Accused a Child of ‘Blackface’ Has His Old Tweets Resurfaced, and Hoo Boy

By Bonchie 


Apparently, liberal media outlets have a thing with trying to cancel children over false allegations. The biggest example is CNN’s treatment of Nick Sandmann, but formerly failed and resurrected “sports” website Deadspin tried to get in on the action on Monday.

In an article entitled “The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” a young kid was doxxed and accused of donning blackface (yes, it’s one word for the barely literate editors over at Deadspin). In reality, he had his face painted red and black in support of his favorite football team. 

As expected, the author of the piece doubled down, eliminating any excuse that he had simply made a mistake…


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