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Death Of Journalism: Increasing Number Of Newsrooms Hardly Have A Single Reporter

by Jacob M. Thompson


Journalism is dead in the U.S.

The following report is by The Trends Journal:

Newspapers across the U.S. may have the content but don’t have reporters to produce it.

The Wall Street Journal reported on the growth of ghost newsrooms across the U.S. that have no journalists and “little to no on-the-ground presence” in communities where they publish.

The paper focused on a newspaper called The Gleaner, in Henderson, KY, which used to house about 20 staffers. Its content is mainly produced by Gannett, its parent company and owner of USA Today. The WSJ said the paper relies on some freelance work by a married couple for a few stories each month.

The WSJ said dozens of papers across the U.S. don’t have one dedicated reporter to fill its columns.

Penelope Abernathy, a visiting professor at Northwestern University, told the paper that many of these papers don’t have the staff to “provide the sort of communication the residents in that community need to make wise decisions.”

The WSJ noted that the news business has been in a state of upheaval for the past decade as more readers turn to free online content. Social media companies have benefited from the vast amount of information that people can obtain for free online.

Many printed newspapers have folded because advertisers get a better return on their dollar by advertising on search engines. The WSJ said, from a business perspective, sharing content on multiple platforms makes financial sense because it can cut back on reporting staffers…

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