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Deleted WEF Memo Reveals Trump Is on ‘Hit List’ of Leaders To Be Assassinated



A deleted and leaked World Economic Forum memo reveals Donald J. Trump is on the “hit list” of leaders to be assassinated if he continues proving impossible to control.

The plan to defeat Trump using lawfare is failing spectacularly, with the former president riding high in the polls while Biden flounders.

Desperate to avoid a repeat of Trump’s first four year term, the global elite are now initiating Plan B, also known as the plot to remove President Donald Trump from the November election by any means necessary.

When the liberal elite cannot win the arguments, they resort to censorship. When they cannot control world leaders through corruption and compromise, they resort to assassination.

Slovakia’s anti-WEF Prime Minister Robert Fico survived an assassination attempt this week and is now in a “life-threatening condition” after he was airlifted to hospital.



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