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Delivered to the Oval Office Biden: The great thing about America is that it is not ruled by kings and dictators

By Top War


Delivered to the White House the day before, Joe Biden voiced the text that had been prepared for him. Officially, this was framed as “the president’s address to the nation.”

Dear Americans! I speak to you today from this desk in the Oval Office.

Biden’s text was not without pathos, citing quotes from his presidential predecessors.

I was happy to be your president, but I consider defending democracy more important than any title.

According to Biden, America is at a turning point, and “decisions made now will determine the fate of the country and the world for decades to come.” Still, the whole world?..

America will have to choose between forward and backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division.

Biden then went on to list his successes, saying that under him the coronavirus crisis was overcome, 16 million new jobs were created, inflation began to decline and wages increased. Moreover, the “victory over Covid” on a national scale is spoken of by a person who, according to officials from his own circle, has just recovered from this disease.

Biden said that as president he “made sure that racial discrimination was overcome in the United States and that he was a president for all Americans.”

The US President also said that the most wonderful thing about America is that kings and dictators do not rule. At this moment, for example, Charles III should have tensed, because his title is king. Or is it something else?.. Or is it about the fact that Biden himself, like that Charles III, does not rule, but those in charge are those who seated Biden after almost a week’s absence in the Oval Office and forced him to read a pre-prepared pathetic text using a teleprompter ?..

The main message of Biden’s 11-minute speech was that he called on Americans to “preserve democracy” and “bet on the younger generation of politicians…


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