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Democrat Mayor And Media Use Two Anonymous Tweets To Turn Bridge Crash Into Racism Story



The faux controversy over Baltimore’s mayor demonstrates that our establishment elites will always look for an opportunity to cry ‘racism’ to distract and redirect criticism.

You might think after a cargo ship smashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on March 26 that the focus of media and political commentary would be on the still unknown underlying reason the ship lost power. Or perhaps how soon it will take to rebuild the bridge, given that it will cost the local economy approximately $15 million per day as it remains closed. But no. The real story about the Baltimore bridge, according to corporate media, is about racism.

“Baltimore mayor weathers racist attacks after bridge collapse,” was the title of one March 31 Washington Post article. “‘DEI mayor’ insults prove that unapologetic racism is back,” read the title of an op-ed by longtime WaPo columnist Eugene Robinson. “Baltimore Bridge Collapse Creates More DEI Attacks: How Allies Can Push Back,” read a March 27 piece in Forbes. Speaking of his detractors, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott declared on MSNBC: “We know what they want to say, but they don’t have the courage to say the N-word.”

Yet what this faux controversy over Baltimore’s mayor really demonstrates is that our establishment elites will always look for an opportunity to cry “racism” to distract and redirect criticism and to silence critics with baseless ad hominem.

The Racist Controversy That Wasn’t

Despite corporate media’s extensive coverage and commentary on racist attacks against Baltimore Mayor Scott, there’s an incredible paucity of evidence to support these claims. The WaPo “objective” coverage of this incident cites two anonymous users on X (formerly Twitter). You read that right. Two Twitter users. And neither responded to WaPo requests for comment. “Despite the online attacks, Scott said, he is trying to stay focused on the crisis,” the WaPo reported. Oh good — we wouldn’t want the mayor of a city of more than half a million people to be unnerved by two anonymous social media users…


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