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Democratic Party Hit With Tsunami Of Retirements As Potentially Transformative Elections Loom


Ahead of what is expected to be a bruising midterm election for the Democratic Party, nearly two dozen House Democrats have announced they will not be seeking re-election in 2022.

A variety of factors are contributing to the 23 — so far — Democrats retiring or moving on before the next election, including historical precedent, redistricting and President Joe Biden’s unpopularity based on his stalled legislative agenda and the fact he’s underwater poll-wise across a variety of issues.

Any way you slice it, next year looks bad for Democrats.

“If you’re a [retiring] Democrat, one of the elements you’re thinking about, is that it may be a bad year,” former Tennessee House Democrat Bart Gordon, who retired in 2010, told CBS News. “But you don’t go through hard elections and all the fundraising and the time away from your family and just throw up your hands and say, ‘It’s going to be a bad election.’ It’s a combination of a variety of things.”…


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