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Democrats’ Abortion Activism Hinges On Lies And Deception

Democrats feel compelled to lie about their abortion radicalism because it’s not a winning issue with voters.



Democrats know that Americans overwhelmingly reject their unlimited abortion agenda, which is why, as the 2023 election cycle draws to a close, the left is still scrambling to warp Republicans’ position on unborn life.

Fudging The Facts

In Ohio, proponents of Issue 1 are working overtime to sell their extremist ballot measure, which would give the abortion industry a free pass to end unborn lives and trample on parents’ rights, as protecting the state’s abortion status quo before the rest of voters head to the polls on Nov. 7. The outside abortion activists who penned the constitutional amendment “don’t want you to know how barbaric it is” which is why they rely on undefined terms and loopholes such as the subjective judgment of a doctor to advance their abortion goals.

In Virginia, the ACLU, the same leftist organization that authored the deliberately vague ballot measure in Ohio, announced one week before Election Day that it would spend $1 million “on direct mail, digital ads, and volunteer outreach to highlight candidates’ positions on abortion in five Senate districts and six House districts.” Abortion may not be on the ballot in Virginia like it is in Ohio, but it has become the focal point in the state’s legislative races.

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