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Democrats Cheer Twitter For Engaging In Political Censorship: ‘Heal And Find A Common Path Forward’

Top Democrats cheered far-left Twitter’s decision to ban President Donald Trump on Friday night, calling the controversial move “long overdue.”

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who most claim is a “moderate” or a “centrist,” cheered the political censorship, writing on Twitter: “Thank you @twitter for taking this action. We must come together as a country to heal and find a common path forward.”

Far-left Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) wrote on Twitter: “Great. Now let’s permanently suspend him from the White House.”

Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton simply tweeted out a check mark in response to a previous tweet of hers where she called for Trump to “delete your account.”

Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL) tweeted: “While long overdue, I commend twitter for moving to ban Donald Trump from the platform permanently. Tech companies must take responsibility for hate speech and misinformation flourishing on their watch. This is an important step toward accountability.”

Far-left Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) wrote: “Gollum has lost his precious.”

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) wrote: “No private company is obligated to provide a megaphone for malicious campaigns to incite violence. It took blood & glass in the halls of Congress—& a change in the political winds—for the most powerful tech companies to recognize, at the last possible moment, the threat of Trump. The question isn’t why Facebook & Twitter acted, it’s what took so long & why haven’t others?”

Joaquin Castro wrote: “I’m glad that @Facebook and @Twitter finally banned Donald Trump from their platforms. Yet it seems they did it only after he could no longer damage their businesses. Do-the-right-thing-once-it-won’t-cost-us-anything is selfish and shameless. Just like Donald Trump.”

Democrat Michelle Obama called for Trump to be banned from Twitter yesterday “to prevent their technology from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection.”

“All I know is that now is a time for true patriotism. Now is the time for those who voted for this president to see the reality of what they’ve supported–and publicly and forcefully rebuke him and the actions of that mob,” Michelle Obama wrote. “Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior–and go even further than they have already by permanently banning this man from their platforms and putting in place policies to prevent their technology from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel an insurrection.”


One Comment

  1. JOHN W JOHN W January 10, 2021

    You can see just how afraid these Moron’s are of the truth. We know What they are afraid of? Free Speech is the first thing to be attacked and silenced in a Communist Country to control their Narrative and tyrannic Rule. This is America, and we have the right in our constitution to air our thoughts, grievances, and opinions as we see fit. No one has the right to silence any citizen of the U.S.A. These political Hack’s who support suppression and silencing of any citizen need to be removed from any and all political Offices. Our Country was founded on and defended everyone’s right to talk, publish and air their view’s and opinions. It is a Black day in America to see this Communistic behavior, and must never be tolerated! Remember, I might not agree with what you have to say, but, I will defend the right for you to say it!

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