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Democrats Have Never Really Loved Joe Biden Enough to Spare Him This Humiliation


My colleagues and I wanted to get in some liveblog practice before next week’s Republican National Convention, so we decided to use Joe Biden’s “Big Boy” press conference for a little tune-up. I couldn’t stay for the whole thing because I had to shower, make dinner, and stave off existential dread whilst wondering if the Republic would ever be able to wash away the stink of Biden’s half-century in Washington.

Matt did a recap of the hot mess here, and I will have more to say about it in Friday’s Morning Briefing.

I would have seen more of this oh-so-important press conference had it not gotten underway almost an hour late. It probably takes longer for his uppers IV to kick in after three-and-a-half years of this kabuki theater. That’s the nature of substance abuse, after all; the highs get harder and harder to come by. That applies even when it’s medically supervised abuse.

The presser didn’t go well. A case could be made that it was his best public appearance in weeks, but that’s like picking your favorite herpes flare-up. “Less train-wrecky” isn’t a quality associated with history’s great leaders.

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