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Denial of Early Covid-19 Treatment – A Crime Against Humanity

By The Ethical Skeptic

Americans citizens were recently coerced into being part of the test or control groups of a medical experiment, without adequate knowledge and without their consent. Hundreds of thousands of Americans likely died from the resulting denial of timely and adequate treatment of Covid-19 and more importantly, its preventable secondary conditions.

This was an egregious violation of The Nuremberg Code on human rights. The time has come for jurisprudence and restitution to those harmed.

Warning: you risk being suspended by Facebook if you link to this article inside your account. A government authorized (unchallenged) monopoly, which Facebook is, is bound by the US Constitution just the same – it is not solely and simply a ‘private company’. Only the truth demands active, trained and organized suppression. In a free thought and information society, lies will eventually falsify themselves. Suppression of an idea usually involves fear of some element or form of truth….


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