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DeSantis, Haley Clash on Records as Lawmakers, Leaders in Pre-Caucus Iowa Debate

By John Haughey


Two leading GOP presidential candidates not named Donald Trump diverge in Ukraine, Israel, Social Security.

DES MOINES, Iowa — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who served as the Trump administration’s United Nations ambassador, diverged primarily on their records as lawmakers and leaders in their one-on-one Jan. 10 debate at Drake University.

But in matters of substantive policy, the two Republican presidential candidates vying to emerge as former President Donald Trump’s most viable challenger in securing the GOP nomination most distinctly diverged on three issues: Ukraine, Israel, and Social Security.

Ms. Haley said she’d sustain support for Ukraine in fighting off Russia’s invasion.

“Dictators always always do what they say they’re going to do. China said they were going to take Hong Kong—they did. Russia said they were going to invade Ukraine—we watched it. China says Taiwan is next—we better believe them,” she said.

“Russia, once they take Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltics are next. Those are NATO countries. And that puts America at war. This is about preventing war.”

United States support for Ukraine is “only 3.5 percent” of the nation’s defense budget, she said…

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