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Dishonest hospital billing is driving up healthcare costs

Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government


The midterm elections are over, government is divided, and the balance of power rests on razor-thin margins in both chambers of Congress. This could be a recipe for gridlock, where nothing gets done next year. Or it could be an opportunity for bipartisan action to address the key healthcare issues worrying most Americans.

According to Gallup , nearly 90% of eligible voters believe lowering the cost of healthcare is important. The same study showed that three-quarters of Americans would give healthcare affordability a grade of “D” or fail it outright.

As lawmakers consider ways to address healthcare inflation, there is one solution on which they should be able to unite that would make a significant dent: ending hospital “dishonest billing.”



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