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DNI Joseph Maguire Challenges Washington Post Story About Him Within One Hour, Says It Was False

The Washington Post published a story relying on anonymous sources alleging a top Trump administration official threatened to resign that was challenged within one hour by the official.

The Post claimed that Joseph Maguire, the acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) threatened to resign because he didn’t want the White House to try to block him from testifying to Congress on Thursday.

Maguire is slated to appear before the House Intelligence Committee, which will grill him about the whistleblower complaint. The complaint was filed by a person who did not directly hear a phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the basis of the complaint. The whistleblower was found to have indications of “political bias.”

The White House released a transcript of the call on Wednesday.

Citing “current and former U.S. officials familiar with the matter,” the Post said that Maguire warned the White House that he would not withhold information from Congress.


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