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Doctors’ anonymity in end-of-life cases now canceled

Bob Unruh
By Bob Unruh

A ground-breaking judgment has been delivered by the Court of Appeal in the United Kingdom, ending the anonymity that concealed the identities of physicians who handled end-of-life cases.

According to a report from Christian Concern, the ruling could now result in the cancellation of anonymity orders in dozens of cases.

The organization reported, “The practice of making life-long anonymity orders by the secretive family courts has escalated in recent times in the wake of the Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans cases where hospitals seeking to withdraw life-sustaining treatment from two babies were subject to intense public comment.”

The parents in cases like those tragedies “challenged … injunctions obtained by two hospital trusts which prevented them naming the doctors responsible for the treatment of their deceased children or from speaking fully about their experiences.”

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