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Doctors issue urgent warning to anyone who drinks energy drinks

Energy drinks contain caffeine ranging from 80mg to 300mg per serving, there is 100mg in a cup of coffee

Energy drinks are often the go-to for people wanting to tackle tiredness, however, new research suggests these drinks could be linked to serious conditions.

The beverages often contain high levels of sugar and caffeine. Doctors have now warned that they may trigger a life-threatening condition requiring emergency treatment.

Energy drinks contain caffeine ranging from 80mg to 300mg per serving, compared with 100mg found in a cup of coffee.

Many of them also contain other additional ingredients, such as taurine and guarana, which are thought to alter heart rate, blood pressure and other heart functions.

The popular drinks can potentially disrupt the heart’s electrical system, increasing the risk of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia) which lead to severe health consequences such as a sudden cardiac arrest – where the heart stops beating.

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