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Does ‘Every Knee Shall Bow’ And ‘Confess Christ’ Mean That All Israelites Shall Be Saved?

Some Christians insist that Paul’s epistle to the Philippians provides a blanket “get out of jail free” card for all Israelites — that regardless of whether or not they believe in and follow Jesus Christ in this lifetime, if they were born as Israelites, they will ultimately be given a second chance to confess Christ and be saved upon His return.

This misguided belief is based on the cherry-picked verse from Romans 11:26,

“…and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written: ‘The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.”

Romans 11:26

In our previous essay, “Will All Israel Be Saved — Or Just A Remnant,” we thoroughly addressed the meaning of this verse — and showed that it is not a guarantee that all those born as Israelites are ensured salvation.

And to further prove this thesis, we wrote the follow-up essay — “John’s Baptism Of Repentence — And Why All Israel Will Not Be Saved” — and we encourage anyone who still holds these beliefs to read both of these essays.

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