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Does This Sound Like A Bunch Of Godless Men? The First Continental Prayer…

By The Washington Standard 


The date was September 7, 1774 when Jacob Duche arrived before the Continental Congress. He read several Prayers in the established form and then read the Psalter for the 7th of September which was the 35th Psalm. Adams writes to Abigail “you must remember this was the next morning after we had heard of the cannonade of Boston.” He then added, “it seemed as if Heaven had ordained that Psalm to be read on that morning.”

In 1774, the Continental Congress published its Declaration and Resolves stating in part: “…By the immutable laws of nature, the principles of the English constitution, and the several charters or compacts, have the following rights… life, liberty and property.” The British Parliament had passed the “Intolerable Acts” (laying siege to Boston, shutting down colonial assemblies, making British officials immune to criminal prosecution, and quartering soldiers) as punishment for the Boston Tea Party of 1773. Intending to isolate Boston, England was shocked by the response of Colonies sending in supplies and calling a day of fasting and prayer. And it was prayer the initial prayer of the delegates that was the source of the clarity written in the Declaration and Resolves.

The colonists, well instructed in the principle of the “lower magistrate,” created their own government by consent called the Continental Congress. This principle of resistance by the lower magistrate, drawn from the Reformation, stated that one must be submitted to the rule of law before any form of resistance can be legitimately given to civil authorities. Since England had begun to dissolve the colonial Assemblies, they formed their own so that any form of self-defence would be “under authority” and they would take no direct resistance against the British Empire. It was taught in the pulpits of America that direct resistance is rebellion and God would become our adversary. Spiritually speaking they were right for one must submit to God’s authority before successfully resisting the enemy (James 4:7).





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