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Donbass: Massacre in a Bakery on the US, EU Bloody Hands!

Another Targeted Carnage of Russian Civilians thanks Western Weapons supplied to Zelensky


In the aftermath of the announcement of the European Union deal for an astronomical contribution of 50 billion euros to Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky, feeling stronger in being able to reject any peace negotiations also hoped for by his generals, ordered the yet another massacre in Donbass where a genocide has been underway since 2014, after the arrival of tanks in the pro-Russian separatist region following the coup orchestrated by NATO countries. and financed by George Soros.

The twenty civilians who died yesterday in a bakery in Lysychansk are all on the conscience of the United States lead by Joseph Biden and the one of European Commission led by Ursula von Der Leyen and its allies such as the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her mentor Guido Crosetto, appointed Minister of Defense despite his conflicts of interests with the Weapons Lobby, as we will never stop denouncing.

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