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Don’t fall for Joe Biden’s nice old man act — he’s just lowering expectations

By Miranda Devine


God forbid that we allow our eyes to see what they see when it comes to the Meanderer in Chief’s bizarre behavior.

Rather than be accused of peddling disinformation, best to make no comment about the latest video of Joe Biden freezing up like a zombie and having to be shepherded off stage by Barack Obama Saturday night at the president’s celebrity-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles.

Some things are so obvious they need no commentary.

But Republicans should not fall into the trap of emphasizing Biden’s increasing befuddlement, as viral as such moments are to a world astonished that America now resembles the end stages of Soviet decrepitude.

Joe Biden’s cognitive ability has been questioned since the start of his presidency. Reuters

The strategy risks engendering sympathy for a man who deserves none and lets him off the hook for all the damage he has wrought on this country.

It also plays into Biden’s superpower: being underestimated.

He might act like a doddering incompetent, look like a wax effigy and walk like a robot, but the president has the uncanny ability to exceed all expectations when it counts, politically…


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