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Don’t Impeach Biden…



Not just yet…

Guys, chill. Yeah, Crusty O’Corrupto was taking bribes. Everyone knows it, except maybe the senile scamster himself, and only because he forgot. You have to be a moron or a liar to deny it, and the Democrats are both. But there is no cosmic ref who is going to come down and throw a flag on his graft. Certainly, the Department of Justice (sic) is never going to do it. So, those demanding impeachment are absolutely and unequivocally right that impeachment is the proper response even though we all know that once the impeachment gets to the Senate (assuming that the GOP Sissy Squad does not tank the vote in the House), the Democrats will ratify his misconduct even if the House prosecutors play a notarized videotape of him saying “I am Joe Biden and I am accepting this sack with a dollar sign on it in return for using my political office to illegally assist the guy handing me this cash.”

He needs to be impeached anyway – this is not open to serious debate. But we need to get the timing right.

And the time is not right now…


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