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Dr Karlyn Borysenko calls out Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire for Trolling AOC Instead of Battling CRT

By Let’s Talk Right Now

The latest buzzword that Conservative Inc is fight against is Critical Race Theory. Dr Karlyn Borysenko, who is a leader in the fight against CRT, is now questioning whether Conservatives actually want to defeat it, or whether they just need something to complain about.

Conservatives are great about raising a stink about all sorts of things. That’s kind of our specialty. But when it comes to action, we have a very difficult time rallying the troops to follow through.

The Left, on the other hand, is great at following through with action. Why is that? Could it be that the Left believes more of what they are saying than the right? Or is it that we have become too accustomed to being the resistance and can’t imagine a world without a boogeyman to fight against.

Dr Karlyn Borysenko is one of the foremost experts when it comes to Critical Race Theory, and she took to Twitter today to call out Conservatives like Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire for caring more about trolling AOC than actually fixing a serious problem like Critical Race Theory in schools.

Here’s her Twitter thread calling out Walsh and The Daily Wire for their stunt:

You know, the whole Matt Walsh thing is just so indicative of what conservatives want.

They want people who will make their most hated politicians look foolish, even if they change no minds or convince anyone of anything.

That’s it. That’s all they care about.

I made such a mistake when I fooled myself into believing that conservatives wanted fighters.

They don’t. The evidence on that is so clear.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard of conservatives influencers being offered a chance to actually DO something
and they refuse.

You guys are DMing me names right now
”Karlyn have you reached out to this person or that person, they’ll help”
.and every single one of the names is a grifter that knows full well about the case and won’t do anything.

They know their followers don’t care.

They know that all their followers care about is them whispering the same sweet nothing talking points in their ear, and being outraged by the right subjects and screaming about AOC being a liar
.that’s all their followers want.

They show this with their actions.

If you hero worship people who talk a good game but don’t DO anything, don’t be surprised when those people take your money in exchange for telling you exactly what you want to hear.

If you want problems solved, you need to support people who are actually solving problems.

If you don’t want to support people who are actually solving problems, then don’t be surprised when you have the same ones year after year after year.

But you’ll hear Matt Walsh complaining about them on his show, so I guess it’s ok.

BTW, AOC is going to win year after year after year. She’ll win as long as she wants to.

And Matt Walsh will love it because that will give him years of complaining and pranks where he doesn’t change a single person’s mind or accomplish anything of substance.

She then followed up with the damning indictment against Conservatives:

“I’m actually starting to become completely convinced that conservatives WANT critical race theory in schools because it will give them an excuse to complain about socialism all the time.”

This is a serious problem within the Conservative Movement. What gets you clicks and video views is to “destroy the libs.” That’s what has made Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro famous. However, just as my good friend Dr Bobby Lopez has repeatedly stated, these trollers of the Left aren’t actually fixing any problems. They are just building up their brands.

Dr Karlyn has been spending her time doing whatever she can to combat CRT, and that includes working with legislators to draft bills combatting this evil ideology. She’s also been raising awareness for a case that a woman named Gabrielle Clark is a part of, as this could be a landmark case which would set a precedent against CRT in our schools.

So instead of dropping $499 to troll AOC, why not put your money where your mouth is and support a cause that can actually create a positive change in our society. Everyone is talking a great game when it comes to CRT, but where’s the follow through?


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