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Dr. Pierre Kory Exposed WHO’s Suppression of Ivermectin. YouTube Keeps Deleting This Video.

By  JD Rucker

One of the most disappointing things I hear from people I like and respect is that they’ve received the Covid-19 “vaccine.” I’ve been scratching my head so often lately my wife bought me dandruff shampoo. The cognitive dissonance on display is shocking as people I know who do not trust government, who allegedly read up on the many questionable characteristics and statistics associated with the “vaccines,” still rushed to get their jabs.

As I researched to determine if this is an insurmountable “strong delusion” placed over the masses or if it’s just a man-made conspiracy, I came across a video that called out the propaganda being employed to promote the vaccines. But promoting the vaccines is one thing. “Debunking” effective early treatments of the disease, including Ivermectin, goes far beyond simply promoting vaccines. It’s about misleading people into believing the only way they can survive the pandemic is if they inject experimental drugs into their body.

That video has since been removed from YouTube for violating “Community Guidelines.”

Pierre Kory Video

The video was going viral, though there’s no telling just how viral it went because by the time I was able to check on it from a news report (below) by Art Moore at WND, the video had been removed. According to the Facebook post by Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, “Dr. Pierre Kory, Chief Medical Officer of the FLCCC Alliance, discusses the ways that public health agencies are manipulating scientific data on {the “I” medicine} for COVID-19 in order to sow uncertainty about it— and why they are doing it.”

Dr. Pierre Kory spoke only the truth in this video that touted statistics showing the extreme efficacy of Ivermectin when applied on a wide scale to Covid-19 cases. He discussed how death rates in a highly populated area of Mexico plummeted once they adopted Ivermectin as an early treatment, an area that has had under 2% adoption rate of the “vaccines.”

Then, he got into the major point of the video: The cover-up. Why have otherwise reputable science and healthcare organizations been suppressing the statistics of drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine since long before the vaccines were even developed? They knew very clearly that the drugs worked wonderfully as has been exposed many times in forced releases of their internal communications, including at the World Health Organization.

There appears to be a true conspiracy in play, one that has been bent on mass deployment of these “vaccines” ever since the beginning of the pandemic. Some have made valid arguments that the plans were in place before the world had even heard of Covid-19, all tied to The Great Reset from the World Economic Forum.

“The major action against Ivermectin was perpetrated by the World Health Organization, but they are not unique in their guilt of really distorting the science around Ivermectin,” he said.

If you feel the need to put on your tinfoil hat, go ahead. But before you do, let’s consider some facts that do not jibe with the current narrative:

  • Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and combinations of other therapeutics have been demonstrated to be highly effective at treating patients with symptoms of Covid-19.
  • There have been hundreds of attempts to debunk the efficacy of these drugs with mainstream media going so far as to say these drugs, which have been safely in circulation for decades, will “kill you.”
  • The CDC, WHO, and other “reputable” health organizations engaged in a concerted and coordinated effort to suppress studies demonstrating how effective these drugs have proven to be in treating Covid-19.
  • Vaccine efforts have focused on getting young, otherwise healthy people to take their vaccine. They’ve included previous patients who have natural antibodies already in place. They’ve also included children who have a 99.97% recovery rate; they are more likely to die after getting the flu than from contracting Covid-19.
  • Governments have actively participated in the suppression.
  • VAERS data has been “debunked” for inexplicable reasons. Past vaccines have been pulled from shelves after two deaths. The Covid-19 vaccines have been taken just prior to tens of thousands of reported deaths worldwide, yet there’s a separate suppression campaign attempting to keep these numbers away from the public eye.

Many have said that the negative press surrounding these drugs was tied to an effort towards keeping President Trump from winning reelection. This is clearly true in some instances, but the efforts were so ubiquitous and disinformation was disseminated so furiously that stopping Trump alone cannot be the only reason. This is especially true when we see the disinformation continuing to be spread today with Joe Biden in the White House.

The major action against Ivermectin was perpetrated by the World Health Organization, but they are not unique in their guilt of really distorting the science around Ivermectin.

Others have speculated that Big Pharma has so much riding on the constant flow of vaccines around the world, a flow that they believe will continue for years to come in the form of “boosters” and new vaccines for different variants, that they’re operating a disinformation campaign to prevent actual treatments from coming to light. This, too, may be at least partially correct, but the fact that so many in government, media, Big Tech, and academia are all involved seems to be far beyond the depths of even Big Pharma’s deep pockets.

At the center of all this is the World Health Organization. As Dr. Kory said, “I do want to talk about what they’re doing today which is they are actually working contrary to the public interest and that needs to be called out and that’s why I’m lecturing on this issue again today.”

Watch the video. It’s over an hour but well worth understanding this cover-up:



The aforementioned article at WND, reprinted below with permission, shows just how effective Ivermectin has proven to be. Why is this information being suppressed by everyone, including YouTube?

Ivermectin saves lives. This has been shown to be true by people like Dr. Pierre Kory and others at Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care. Why are so many bent on suppressing this data in favor of vaccines?

COVID Deaths Plunge After Major World City Introduces Ivermectin

Authorities create home-treatment-kit for 22 million-strong population

A citywide initiative in Mexico City to prescribe ivermectin to COVID-19 patients resulted in a plunge in hospitalizations and deaths, two studies found.

Hospitalizations were down by as much as 76%, according to research by the Mexican Digital Agency for Public Innovation, Mexico’s Ministry of Health and the Mexican Social Security Institute, according to a TrialSiteNews report highlighted by LifeSiteNews.

Earlier this month, as WND reported, a significant decrease in cases in India coincided with the national health ministry’s promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatments.

In Mexico City, after a spike in cases in December, the city’s Ministry of Health created a home-treatment kit for residents. The city’s metro population is 22 million.

At the time, the head of the Mexico City Ministry of Health, Oliva López, said told reporters her agency had determined “that there is enough evidence to use in people positive for SARS-CoV-2, even without symptoms, some drugs such as ivermectin and azithromycin.”

Beginning Dec. 29, people who tested positive for COVID from an antigen test and who were experiencing at least mild symptoms began receiving one of the government’s ivermectin-based treatment kits, TrialSiteNews reported.

The Mexican government then began a study to track the impact of the early treatment of COVID with ivermectin on the city’s population.

The study tracked 200,000 people, dividing in two cohorts — those who received ivermectin and those who did not.

Through a phone-call-based monitoring system and hospital data on admissions for COVID-19, the researchers found a reduction of between 52% and 76% in hospitalizations for those who took ivermectin compared to those who did not.

The government’s findings were corroborated by Dr. Juan J. Chamie-Quintero, a senior data analyst at private Colombian university EAFIT.

He found that excess deaths in the city dropped sharply only a few weeks after the ivermectin treatments began.

Chamie-Quintero also conducted a study in Peru, where the government approved ivermectin as a treatment for the virus in May 2020.

In the 24 Peruvian states that adopted early use of ivermectin treatment, excess deaths plummeted on average by 59% just 30 days after the peak death rate. And it had dropped 75% after 45 days in those over 60 years old.

‘Large, statistically significant reductions in mortality’

Worldwide, more than 50 peer-reviewed studies have shown the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment and prophylaxis against COVID-19.

A study by the American Journal of Therapeutics that analyzed 18 randomized controlled treatment trials found ivermectin elicited “large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance” in COVID patients.

The study concluded that “the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.”

In February, a peer-reviewed study found that ivermectin reduces coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths by about 75%.

Ivermectin, in more than 30 trials around the world, causes “repeated, consistent, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes’ at all stages of the disease,” according to the study, which was published in the U.S. journal Frontiers of Pharmacology.

The evidence is so strong, the researchers believe, the anti-parasitic drug should become a standard therapy everywhere, hastening global recovery.

“The data is overwhelming – we are in a pandemic, and this is an incredibly effective way to combat it. If we use ivermectin widely, our societies can open up,” said study co-author Professor Paul Marik, director of emergency and pulmonary care at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

A previous study by Professor Andrew Hill of Liverpool University also found ivermectin cuts death rates by about 75%.



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