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Dragons of Genesis – Dinosaurs alive today?

  With over 20,000 sightings just since the year 2000, its hard to ignore why some people can see that there is good merit to the belief that dinosaurs still inhabit parts of our world. With sightings over the last few centuries going into the hundreds of thousands, one cannot honestly, with an open mind, discredit that some of these great creatures must still be living. Nearly every single type of dinosaur has been seen by modern eye witnesses and described with astonishing accurracy even by natives that are completely cut off from modern society and have never even heard the word “dinosaur”.

One has to wonder that if these accounts are all so accurate and all these witnesses, not knowing one another, can all describe similar creatures as people around the globe and in deep jungles and swamps or in the middle of Texas or New Jersey, then what is the answer? Well, to the open minded and those that follow the evidence and use logic and reason its simple. Dinosaurs are alive today.

A native drawing of Mokele Mbembe.

This is what the African natives drew in the dirt when explorers asked them to show them what Mokele Mbembe looked like. As you can see the creature is shown with a large body, four strong legs with clawed toes, a very long tail and neck with a small head and a crest or frill running down its back. The only creature that fits this description is a sauropod dinosaur!

Close up of the head of the Baka pygmy drawing of Mokele Mbembe.

There is a clear depiction of the dewflap of some sort or throat pouch. This is said to be the means of how the animals make the bellowing roars that are soemtimes reported.

Champ as photographed by Sandi Mansi in 1977.

This photo has been tested, ridiculed and scrutinized since it has become available to public viewing yet it remains one of the best pieces of photographic evidence for dinosaurs living today, as well as cryptozoology in general.


A cave made by a Mokele Mbembe in a riverbank.

These creatures reportedly dig caves into the banks of the rivers where they live and will seal the entrances up from the inside.

Footprints made by a Mokele Mbembe.

A Mokele Mbembe footprint in the soft African soil.

A Burrunjor track casting from Northern Australia.

This is a track casting of a Burrunjor footprint made by Rex Gilroy. The Burrunjor is a large, roughly 25 feet long on average, bipiedal, reptilian creature that stalks the northern territories of Australia including the outback and rain forests.
This track measured 2 feet wide by 2 1/2 feet long.

Fresh collagen from a Tyrannosaurus bone.

Such fragile material could not possibly survive for the alledged tens of millions of years as attributed to dinosaur fossils to be found inside a bone in modern times. This could only be possible if the bone was buried in the last few thousand years since collagen would have otherwise broken down completely.


Carl Bombay’s sighting.

A missionary and his wife saw a creature much like this one in Kenya, Africa. They said the animal had large plates on its back. This sounds more like a stegosaurus than anything else. The creature was apparently sleeping on a road and eventually walked off intot he forest nearby. It was said to be at least as long as their vehicle.

Unknown aquatic creature.

This picture was allegedly taken at a lake in Quebec, Canada. It shows what appears to be a Plesiosaur type creatures’ head sticking slightly out of the water. More information on this photo is needed.

Champtanystropheus caught on camera clearly.

This is a still from a video shot in 2006 by two local fishermen on Lake Champlain. The video is one of the best pieces of evidence to date and seems to clearly show a long necked, aquatic reptilian animal just under the surface of the water beside the fishermens’ boat, with it’s long neck, snake-like head, and flippers or webbed feet (not visible in this picture). The whole video is available in our Videos section. You can clearly see the animal moving under the surface for several seconds.

Champ finally filmed clearly.

This is another still from the ABC Champ video shot in 2006. In this picture the long neck, serpent-like head and at least one flipper or webbed foot are visible.

Champ by the boat.

This is another shot of Champ from the ABC video from 2006 showing the animals head and long neck.

Loch Ness film?

This is a still frame from a home video shot by a man at Loch Ness. The man said he later reealized that there was something in the video when he watched it at home. It appears to be genuine.

Outlined creature in video.

This is an edited still frame that soemone has done to show outlined details of the creature in the video.

Tyrannosaurus osteocytes from femur bone.

Bone forming osteocytes found in a “70 million year old” Tyrannosaurus Rex thigh bone in 2005 by Mary H. Schweitzer. The discovery shocked many  and many Evolutionary scientists scrambled to find a way to explain away how living tissue could have remained intact for 70 million years. However tests have confirmed that the tissues are indeed osteocytes and red blood cells and hemoglobin.

“Finding these tissues in dinosaurs changes the way we think about fossilization, because our theories of how fossils are preserved don’t allow for this [soft-tissue preservation],”  Mary H. Schweitzer.

Red blood hemoglobin from Tyrannosaurus bone.

Red blood Hemoglobin found in the same Tyrannosaurus thigh bone in 2005. According to Evolutionary time frames and dating methods, it should be impossible for these tissues to be existing, let alone in such good condition. So far no Evolutionary scientist has given an answer for this conundrum and most have attempted to explain the phenomena away by claiming the tissues were not really blood cells and hemoglobin while others simply do not wish to discuss it.

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One Comment

  1. Rick Lord Rick Lord November 1, 2020

    If anyone questions dinosaurs living today, go to a Biden rally

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