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Duchess of Cornwall Makes a Dig at Woke Culture at Her 75th Birthday Luncheon



Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, who will one day become Queen, has taken a much lower profile than Prince Charles’ first wife, Princess Diana. She doesn’t speak out on political and cultural matters in public the way the late Diana did, and she sticks to more of the ceremonial duties that will become her bread and butter when Charles takes the throne.

However, Camilla managed to wade into political waters with a joke she made at the expense of wokeness. The joke came at the beginning of a speech at a luncheon celebrating her 75th birthday, which is Sunday.

In her speech on Tuesday at the National Liberal Club in London, the Duchess began with, “Ladies and Gentlemen, if I’m allowed to call you that, good afternoon.”

GB News doesn’t record the crowd’s reaction to the line, which is a brilliant dig at the woke culture that pervades everything these days, but Camilla also treated the subject of her 75th birthday with grace and good humor.



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