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DUI Dave Min Thrilled Over Endorsement by Dipsomaniac Gavin Newsom

By Jennifer Oliver O’Connell

California Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine) eked out a spot in the Top 2 winners for the CA-47 Congressional race in November. This is despite the very embarrassing and very public May of 2023 DUI.

Min was driving near the state capitol with his headlights off. When police followed him and saw he blew through a red light, they pulled him over. The video footage shows he could barely stand, and when he submitted to the breathalyzer he blew twice the legal limit. The breathalyzer was performed twice, and both times showed the same number.

But like the late, great, Maha Rushdie would opine, for Democrats, scandal is a resume enhancer. And so it is with Dave Min. Min received little condemnation from his colleagues for endangering the lives of Californians, instead they poured on the endorsements.

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